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How we started​


     My Mom loves to cook, and the best part of the meal is the baked sweetness from her heart that no one could ever resist. It was one rainy November day that she shared it to some of our family friends while having coffee at our place. It was then that we got the idea of sharing the sweetness to our friends' home. Requests then came in asking if they can buy few boxes to bring home. Now, the rest is history.​

    Me and my sister named it after what she fondly do when she wants to reward us. Every corner of our home is full od delicious air and sweetness that is undeniably declares that Mama bakes again. Her love for me, my sister and my Dad is her inspiration. Everything she cooks is full of heart. You will feel it in every bite and in how she lovingly prepares it for the feast of your eyes. That is why every piece you bring home from here is always a piece of our home.

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